Post Hemorrhoidectomy (Piles Surgery): Side Effects & Complications

Side Effects & Complications Post Hemorrhoidectomy (Piles Surgery)

After a hemorrhoidectomy, which is a surgical procedure to remove hemorrhoids (piles), there are potential side effects and complications that patients should be aware of. These can vary based on factors such as the extent of the surgery, individual health, and how well post-operative care is followed. Here are some possible side effects and complications that can occur post piles surgery and some risks that might need medical attention.

Potential Side Effects to occur after Hemorrhoidectomy or Piles Surgery

Pain and Discomfort: Pain around the surgical site and in the anal region is normal after a hemorrhoidectomy. It’s most pronounced during the first few days but gradually improves over time.

Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising around the anus and surgical area are common due to the trauma from the surgery. This should subside gradually as healing progresses.

Bleeding: Mild bleeding from the surgical site, especially during bowel movements, is normal. However, if bleeding is excessive or persistent, contact your doctor.

Difficulty or Painful Bowel Movements: Bowel movements can be uncomfortable and even painful during the initial recovery phase due to the surgical site’s sensitivity.

Difficulty Urinating: Some individuals may experience temporary difficulty or discomfort while urinating after surgery.

Itching and Irritation: Itching and irritation around the surgical site are common as the wound heals. Avoid scratching to prevent further discomfort.

Anal Discharge: Mucus or small amounts of discharge from the anus can occur during the healing process.

Fatigue: General fatigue or weakness may be experienced due to the body’s healing process.

Temporary Changes in Bowel Habits: Temporary changes in bowel habits, such as mild constipation or loose stools, can occur as your body adjusts after surgery.

Limited Mobility: Pain and discomfort can temporarily limit mobility, making sitting or moving uncomfortable.

Soreness: The surgical area may feel sore and tender, especially during the first few days after surgery.

Temporary Incontinence: Some patients might experience temporary loss of control over gas or liquid stool immediately after surgery due to muscle sensitivity.

When to consult a doctor: Complications post piles surgery

After undergoing piles surgery (hemorrhoidectomy), it’s important to closely monitor your recovery and promptly contact your doctor if you experience any concerning symptoms or complications. Here are some situations in which you should consult your doctor after piles surgery:

Excessive Bleeding: If you experience heavy bleeding from the surgical site that doesn’t seem to be subsiding or if you notice bright red blood in your stool, contact your doctor immediately.

Persistent Pain: While some pain is normal after surgery, if your pain becomes severe, is not relieved by prescribed pain medications, or worsens over time, consult your doctor.

Infection Signs: If you notice increasing redness, swelling, warmth, or pus around the surgical area, it could be a sign of infection. Fever and chills may also accompany an infection.

Difficulty Urinating: If you’re having trouble urinating, experiencing pain or discomfort during urination, or have an inability to pass urine, seek medical attention.

Changes in Bowel Habits: If you experience prolonged constipation, persistent diarrhea, or changes in bowel habits that don’t improve with time, contact your doctor.

Swelling and Abscess: If you notice a new lump or swelling at the surgical site, especially if it’s painful, it could indicate an abscess or another complication that requires medical evaluation.

Allergic Reactions: If you experience signs of an allergic reaction to medications or materials used during surgery, such as hives, itching, or difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical help.

Worsening Symptoms: If any symptoms you had before surgery worsen or if you develop new symptoms that are concerning, discuss these changes with your doctor.

Any Concerns: If you have any concerns or uncertainties about your recovery, pain management, wound healing, or any other aspect of your post-operative experience, it’s always best to consult your doctor for guidance.

How to reduce the risk of complications after Hemorrhoidectomy?

  • Follow Post-Operative Instructions
  • Keep the surgical area clean and dry.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Maintain bowel regularity, and soften stools to reduce strain during bowel movements.
  • Follow a high-fiber diet to prevent constipation
  • Take prescribed pain medications as directed to manage discomfort and straining during bowel movements.
  • Gradually increase your activity level as advised by your doctor.
  • Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercises during the initial recovery phase.
  • Avoid Constipation and Diarrhea
  • Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your doctor to monitor your healing progress.
  • Pay attention to your body’s signals like pain, discomfort, or any unusual symptoms.
  • Avoid Sitting for Prolonged Periods.

Wrap-up Tips on after hemorrhoidectomy surgery problems:

It’s important to note that while these side effects and complications might be risky, each person’s experience can vary. Following your doctor’s instructions regarding pain management, hygiene, diet, and activity level is essential for a smoother recovery. If you have concerns about the severity or duration of any side effects, or if you notice any signs of infection, bleeding, or other complications, consult your doctor promptly for guidance and reassurance.

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